
Abx باهه ان جي ڊگهي عمر ۽ ڪاميابي کي ان جي اعلي ڪسٽمر سروس ڏانهن منسوب ڪيو آهي, وقف ملازمن, مصنوعات جي ترقي يافته ڄاڻ, ۽ قومي طور تي تسليم ٿيل برانڊز کي باهه ڏيڻ جو ڪم آهي.

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ڊفالٽ ٻولي طور مقرر ڪريو


گهرمصنوعاتاسٽيل گرٽنگ, وڌايل ڌاتو, سوراخ ٿيل پينل, تار ميشتوسيع ٿيل ڌاتو اسٽينلیس اسٽيل ايلومينيم توسيع ٿيل اسٽيل ميش ڌاتو شيٽ فيڪٽري

توسيع ٿيل ڌاتو اسٽينلیس اسٽيل ايلومينيم توسيع ٿيل اسٽيل ميش ڌاتو شيٽ فيڪٽري



وڌايل ڌاتو

Expanded metal also named expanded steel sheet. Materials available in the carbon steel,بي داغ لوه, aluminum and galvanized.

To produce the expanded steel , the metal panel simultaneously perforated and stretched.The metal mesh is manufactured by slitting and stretching from a strong metal sheet, not woven or welded,and it’s disassemble.

The mesh panel generally consists of increased and flattened. Because of no wast materials in the produce process, expanded metal panels are economical and saving energy by conserving material and also permitted the construction to go additionally and also do more.


Expanded Steel Sheet

Expanded steel commonly recognized for its sturdiness, rust resistance and also high resilience. The expanded metal widely put in use, cost-effective technique to develop a non-skid and solid surface. It Manufactured in Mild Steel (M.S.), Galvanized Iron (G.I.), هي ڊزائن هڪ باڙ يا ڀت تي سرحد اسڪريننگ يا سادي آرائشي موڊ لاء مثالي آهي 304, 316 (S.S.) Aluminium and also various other metals from 0.5 mm open up to 100 mm opening in all possible density. In this sort of metal mesh stretched under pressure and also slit consistently to produce ruby shaped openings. Which further helps to strengthen the structure.

The openings in the mesh enable light, air and also ventilation. Considering that its aesthetically shaped hence looks attractive. Its also quite tough and simple to set up. These majorly utilized on paths, working platforms and so on. The hefty increased steel can likewise be made use of as an action mesh of oil tanks and also strolling road for heavy version equipment. These likewise utilized as enhancing bar in construction, railway as well as bridges.



  • مواد: نرم ڪاربان, المونيم, بي داغ لوه,المونيم مصر, ٽامي, پيتل.
  • کليل شڪلون: رومبس, هيرن جي پوزيشن جي چوڌاري ڦري وئي ۽ عام هيرن جي ترتيب کي وڌايو ويو اسٽيل ميش هڪ ٻئي سان گڏ استعمال ڪيو ويو اضافي طور تي ننڍين شين جي ذريعي وڃڻ کان بچڻ لاء.
  • پينل ٿلهي: 0.45 ايم ايم – 20 ايم ايم
  • پينل جي ويڪر : 0.2 م – 1.5 م
  • مٿاڇري جو علاج: جڙيل, رنگ, پالش ڪرڻ,وغيره.
  • رنگ: چاندي, هي ڊزائن هڪ باڙ يا ڀت تي سرحد اسڪريننگ يا سادي آرائشي موڊ لاء مثالي آهي, هي ڊزائن هڪ باڙ يا ڀت تي سرحد اسڪريننگ يا سادي آرائشي موڊ لاء مثالي آهي, نيرو, يا درخواست.
  • خاصيتون: مضبوط ڌاتو پينل جي corrosion مزاحمتي مواد.
  • آسان ڪٽي ۽ ڪٽيل.
  • ڪو به ضايع مواد,توانائي بچائڻ.

Expanded metal produced by strong metal simultaneously perforated and stretched, economical and save energy,no materials lost and disassemble.

Expanded Steel