
Abx باهه ان جي ڊگهي عمر ۽ ڪاميابي کي ان جي اعلي ڪسٽمر سروس ڏانهن منسوب ڪيو آهي, وقف ملازمن, مصنوعات جي ترقي يافته ڄاڻ, ۽ قومي طور تي تسليم ٿيل برانڊز کي باهه ڏيڻ جو ڪم آهي.

+86 13633188923 [email protected]

ڊفالٽ ٻولي طور مقرر ڪريو


گهرمصنوعاتاسٽيل گرٽنگ, وڌايل ڌاتو, سوراخ ٿيل پينلتوسيع ٿيل اسٽيل گريٽنگ ايلومينيم لوهي وڌايل ڌاتو اسٽينلیس اسٽيل ميش شيٽ

توسيع ٿيل اسٽيل گريٽنگ ايلومينيم لوهي وڌايل ڌاتو اسٽينلیس اسٽيل ميش شيٽ



Expanded Steel

Expanded steel contains sheets or roll of solid steel, feature a rhombus pattern, the differ by scale, size and material of the hole. The expanded steel grating describes the method the metal is at the same time die-cut and also increased as it relocates through the dynamic passes away on a press. This procedure permits it to increase approximately 10 times its original dimension, while losing approximately 80 percent of its original weight per square foot and keeping its type and rigidity.

Galvanized expanded steel is the surface with zinc coated, which improves its corrosion resistance. Galvanizing is cost effective and long-time solution, and can used for more than 20 سال.


وڌايل ڌاتو شيٽ

Standard expanded metal is an excellent versatile product. It’s simple to regulate the portion of open area to suit the application by changing the pattern size, and increase the flowing of air or light in the product.It’s able stand up to a 90-degree bend within inside radius without breaking.

Do you require a light-weight,strong and also long lasting commercial stairs,or platforms? Heavy-duty expanded metal grating from ABX Steel can satisfy your requirements. It made from sturdy, lasting light weight aluminum, stainless or carbon steel sheet as well as plate, ensuring it can stand up well in even one of the most requiring workplace. Each sheet includes one single item of steel that is completely free of joints or welds.



وڌايل اسٽيل گرٽنگ هلڪو وزن ايلومينيم مان ٺهيل, stainless يا ڪاربان اسٽيل شيٽ سان گڏو گڏ پليٽ جنهن ۾ ڪو به جوڙو يا ويلڊ نه آهي, جيئن ته هر چادر مضبوط فولاد جي هڪ واحد شيء آهي. گھٽ وزن سان گڏوگڏ اقتصادي, توسيع ٿيل اسٽيل grating ڪٿي به استعمال لاء مناسب آهي هڪ مضبوط, لچڪدار هلڪو وزن جي مٿاڇري جي ضرورت آهي. It is the common item defined by designers as well as supervisors for use in:

  • Catwalks, بيئرنگ بارز ۽ ڪراس بارز کي گڏ ڪريو ته جيئن ڊگھي مدي واري جوائنٽ ٺاھيو وڃي, ڏاڪڻيون, پليٽ فارم
  • سار سنڀال پليٽ فارم
  • اونڌو رستو
  • Mezzanines ۽ مضبوط پناهه
  • ٽرڪ-ڪيب حفاظت ڏيکاري ٿو, گاڏين جي فرش کي ڍڪڻ ۽ ٽرانسپورٽ دفاع پڻ
  • ٻيڙي ۽ گڏوگڏ آف شور گيئر فرش ڍڪڻ
  • ورهائڻ جتي اعلي سيڪيورٽي تمام ضروري آهي حفاظتي نظام
  • صنعتي staircases, گهر جي دروازن ۽ دريائن جي حفاظت

Expanded steel produced by strong metal simultaneously perforated and stretched, economical and save energy,no materials lost and disassemble.

Expanded Steel

اضافي معلومات

اضافي معلومات

وزن 1 ڪلو
طول و عرض 20 × 30 × 20 سي ايم